When Christ was crucified and lay in the tomb, the people in the America's experienced great storms, earthquakes, fires and death, and then 3 day of darkness. The people could be heard saying, "O that we had repented before this great and terrible day, and had not killed and stoned the prophets and cast them out."
In our day, we don't physically kill and stone the prophets, but do we spiritually. I would put forth the idea that if we do not "tie ourselves to the prophets" or rather follow their counsel with exactness, that we are following the people of old and casting out our prophets to an extent. These are not simply old men at the head of our church leading to their hearts desires, but rather conduits of the Lord. When we choose not to obey and focus our attention on their words, we are in fact, not listening to the counsel of the Lord. It can be as drastic as turning away and getting involved in alcohol and drugs or as simple as saying that a little bit of pornography won't hurt....it won't affect me, or even, only attending part of church on Sunday. We are required and should fully obey the counsel from our prophets even if it inconveniences us a bit. I know and have a strong testimony of our modern day prophets. I know they lead us through God's spirit and I know that my family and I are better off and more spiritually fit to receive blessings because of it. I pray to be "tied to the prophets" always.